Administrator FAQs
As you are well aware, there’s so much information available on the topics of health and wellness. What’s special about My Wellness Bus?
My Wellness Bus is school-centric and promotes “mastery” of self-care that has shown to improve well-being and reduce the cost of health insurance. We call it school-centric, because we curate information that is specific to your unique population. Over the past ten years our self-funded medical and dental plan has served over 5000 employees (plus their families). We’ve seen all the claims data (over a quarter of a billion dollars); studied the demographics; run a clinic with over 80,000 patient visits; and built and delivered wellness programming for elementary, middle and high school staff along with support staff including transportation. We really know how health and wellness impact schools.
What’s the mission of My Wellness Bus?
In a word, our mission is an educational term—MASTERY–mastery of the information and habits necessary to improve health and to prevent or eliminate chronic health conditions that impact performance and lifestyle. Marketing experts caution against pricing something too low especially when it has lots of value. Nevertheless, we want to bring My Wellness Bus to you free with our modestly priced sponsorship program. We know how IMPORTANT and expensive benefits are and how that expense has impacted your budget. Healthier employees means less absenteeism, improved presenteeism (feel better=higher performance) and lower claim costs. You really can bend the curve of rising insurance costs through wellness and prevention.
What is the cost?
We will start your subscription immediately for no charge and begin the process of enrolling your designated sponsor or we’ll find one for you. So with a sponsor it’s free. Your cost or the sponsor’s cost is $25/month regardless of the size of your district. Some districts may prefer to forego a sponsor (if so, the district picks up the cost), others have many local businesses that would love to attach their brand to the district’s efforts to improve the well-being of their employees. We also have a roster of potential sponsors who have declared their strong interest in reaching your employees and associating with health and wellness. You get final approval on an unobtrusive banner ad on My Wellness Bus. We handle the billing and collection. It’s as simple as recommending a sponsor should that be your preferred method.
If your foundation would like to sponsor and then turn around and auction the ad to keep the difference, more power to you and the foundation.
Is it simple? Most superintendents or their team don’t have time for “one more thing.”
Each month we send you an e-newsletter in a pdf format that you simply route to your employees. We don’t collect emails or any sensitive information. We don’t sell anything so My Wellness Bus is not intrusive. Embedded in My Wellness Bus are hyperlinks so the document is short but allows for a deeper dive should someone be interested in a particular topic(s).
What else should I know?
- School-centric curated content will be more resonant than any other resource
- Annual contract
- Unobtrusive—we seek no individual information
- Sample attached
- Here’s what we send to your sponsor:
What’s in it for me?
You’re probably already sponsoring your district in some fashion: adopt-a-school; program advertising, etc. but My Wellness Bus allows you to make an impression with all the district employees directly. What a great message that you’ll be sending by sponsoring a wellness resource.
What does my “ad” look like?
We have dedicated “real estate” on the Bus for a 1”x 8.5” banner. You supply the copy. See the attached sample.
What’s the cost?
It’s $25/month and we require a credit card for payment
Can I sponsor more than one district?
Yes. We have several sponsors who have multiple districts.
Let’s be clear—there’s TOO MUCH in the way of “wellness” information available. So much that it becomes noise and those who choose not to practice self-care ignore valuable and timely insights to becoming their best selves.
What’s not available is what we call a SCHOOL-CENTRIC wellness digest. For the past 10 years, we’ve become acutely aware of the issues that school districts face:
- We established a self-funded health plan for six districts and over 5000 members so we know
the costs of healthcare and, importantly, the impact on school budgets including salary
negotiations - We enhanced our delivery of healthcare by creating a standalone Wellness Center for
employees and their families. Annually, we’ll have about 8000 patient interactions including
physicals, immunizations, flu and COVID testing. We were even certified as a COVID vaccine
site. - We completely understand your demographics and tailor The Bus to resonate with your
population. - We deploy wellness coordinators and design programming for all staff including transportation
so our content is tuned to the unique lifestyles and schedules of your people. - We see about $30Mil in claims annually so we have a keen perspective on what’s driving costs
and address them through prevention strategies.
So it’s not casually that we declare—We KNOW school-centric wellness. Please consider adding The Bus to your communication strategy. We know it will reduce absenteeism (and related costs); improve presenteeism (the impact of people coming to work regardless of their well-being) and reduce claims costs which ultimately affect your insurance premiums.